I'd like to start offering some of my items as free downloads...Keep your eye out for a variety of printables....cupcake wrappers, digital scrapbook paper, clipart, tags, labels, and more!
My Terms of Use are as follows:
Permission to use these printables is for personal, non-commercial use ONLY. Absolutely NO file sharing, mass production, re-distribution, or selling of these files is allowed. You are NOT to sell products made from these files. Please direct others to this site if they would also like to download the product for personal use. By downloading my products you agree to these terms. Thank you!
Want more? You can visit my Etsy shop here:
From my CeCe Floral Digital Paper Pack...Download this full size 12x12 CeCe Purple Trellis patterned paper here.
Download Black and Hot Pink Damask Cupcake Wrappers here.
Download Gray and Blue Damask Cupcake Wrappers here.